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Pathology is the study or diagnosis of disease.

Morbidity is a state of ill health, disease or disablement from a specific source.

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Q: What is the difference in Pathology and Morbidity?
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Difference between morbidity and mortality?

Morbidity refers to patient illness data and mortality refers to patient death data.

What is the difference between gross pathology and microscopic pathology?

Gross pathology refers to what can be seen with the naked eye, and microscopic pathology uses a microscope.

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Another word for morbidity is gloom.

What is the difference between mortality and morbidity?

Mortality refers to the number of deaths in a population, often expressed as a rate. Morbidity, on the other hand, refers to the prevalence of disease or illness within a population, regardless of outcome. In simpler terms, mortality is about deaths, while morbidity is about sickness or disease.

How can you use morbidity in a sentence?

"The patient is at libery to reflect on his morbidity which I believe is poor".

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The morbidity and mortality rate of this cosmetic procedure is extremely low

What is the Morbidity rate for females?

in the context of tubal sterilization, morbidity with tubal ligation is 5%

How can you use the word morbidity in a sentence?

The morbidity of the patients increased as the supply of medicine dwindled. Morbidity and melancholy were qualities that defined much of the life of Edgar Allan Poe.

What has the author Benjamin Baxter Wells written?

Benjamin Baxter Wells has written: 'Clinical pathology; interpretation and application' -- subject(s): Pathology 'Clinical pathology' -- subject(s): Pathology 'A qualitative difference in the effect of compounds separated from the adrenal cortex on distribution of electrolytes and on atrophy of the adrenal and thymus glands of rats' -- subject(s): Adrenal glands, Diabetes, Hormones

What is the morbidity rate for female sterilization?

in the context of tubal sterilization, morbidity with tubal ligation is 5%

What are the morbidity rates for laser skin resurfacing?

The morbidity and mortality rates for this cosmetic procedure are close to zero.