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cardiology is the study of the function structure and diseases of the heart pulmonology deals with diseases of repository system

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Q: What is the difference between cardiology and pulmonology?
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What are word that end with logy?

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Is there combining vowel in pulmonology?


How long do pediatricians go to college?

Usually four years of pre-med. Then three years of medicalschool. Followed by a three year residency, with possible specialty fellowships to follow if desired. Ex.) Hemetology/Oncology, Pulmonology, Cardiology, etc...

What is the meaning of Pulmonology?

There is no such word in English.

What are some duties that are part of a pulmonology job?

Some duties that are part of a pulmonology job is evaluation and management of simple and complex pulmonary. Other duties include fulfill the pulmonology needs of a diverse population of veterans and veterans dependents.

What is the job outlook for pulmonology?

There are many jobs available in pulmonology in many different environments. It will probably remain that way. People may say that the medical career is over populated. They are wrong. Pulmonology is not a very saturated field, which means much more workers in that field of medicine could be very useful. Overall, the job outlook for pulmonology is good.

What are the different types of specialists in Allopathic medicine?

There are literally hundreds of specialties in medicine. A couple are: Anesthesiology Cardiology Pediatrics Endocrinology Pulmonology Emergency medicine Neonatology Gerentology Nephrology Hepatology Ortohopedics Rheumatology Neurology Surgery Gasteroenterology Urology Dermatology Gynecology Psychology and many many more.

Does pulmonology require a combining vowel?

Yes, pulmonology requires a combining vowel when forming medical terms related to the lungs. In this case, the combining vowel "o" is used to connect the word root "pulmon" with the suffix "-logy" to create the term "pulmonology," which refers to the study of the lungs.

How do you put cardiology in a sentence?

The cardiology ward only served cardiac patients.An E.K.G. often shows if a person needs cardiology services.The physician specialized in cardiology.

What schools can one go to in order to study pulmonology?

Prospective pulmonologists concentrate on lung diseases, their diagnoses and their treatments. To study pulmonology someone has to go to medical school and focus in internal medicine.

When was Clinical Cardiology created?

Clinical Cardiology was created in 1978.

What does cardiology stand for?

Cardiology is the study of anything pertaining to the heart.