A doctor can be a general practitioner or any one of many specialists. A physician - a specialist physician - is trained in medication and is expert at balancing drugs in order to keep a patient well, or help them recover, assessing drug type and dosage so the treatment provides the optimum benefit to the patient, with no clash between medications.
A doctor's assistant
what's the difference between physician and doctorwhat's the difference between physician and doctor what's the difference between physician and doctor
A school physican is the doctor students go to when they are ill or do not feel well. Most schools, however, have a school nurse.
what is the difference between a Doctor of Osteopathy and a Naturopathic Doctor
As to a kidney doctor, like any doctor, the difference between MD and DO is what the titles stand for. A DO is a Doctor of Obstetrics, and an MD is simply a Medical Doctor.
There is no difference. An Emergency Room Doctor is an MD. MD stands for Medical Doctor.
fference between physical medicine doctor and orthopdic
The difference between a DDS and...what? A fugging cheese sandwich?
There are laws of confidentiality between patient and physican, and also the federal HIPAA regulations apply. But that does not shield your doctor from reporting illegal activity.
every thing
The reason why the doctor needs to know the difference between AIDS and HIV is because HIV is the cause for AIDS.
there is no differece... both are the same