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A 1st degree or superficial burn involves the burning of the epidermis and the dermis only.A 2nd degree or semi-thickness burn involves the burning of the epidermis and the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue - blisters will form from this type of burn.
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Q: What is the difference a between first and second degree burns?
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What iis the difference between 2ndand 3rd degree burns?

Second degree causes blisters. Third degree will char your skin.

What is the difference between first second and third degree burns?

The amount of damage. A first degree is usually redness and pain, a second degree burn blisters and a third degree burn destroys tissue.

What is the difference between first and second degree burns?

A first degree burn is limited to the epidermis. A second degree makes it all the way to the actual dermis, and third degree is total tissue destruction of epidermis and dermis.

What is the difference between third-degree burns and fourth-degree burns?

Third degree is charred skin. Fourth degree includes burned muscle and/or bone.

What is the difference in 1st and 2nd degree burns?

First degree only causes redness. second degree causes blistering.

Whats another name for second degree burns?

Second degree are also called partial-thickness burns. They are the second least severe type.

How many degree burns is there?

3, first degree burns, second degree burns, third degree burns, fourth degree burns, fifth degree burns, and sixth degree burns. fourth, fifth, and sixth degree burns aren't common and most people don't know about them, but that is only because they are very rare and most victims of these burns die.

How can you get second degree burns?

hot water or fire

Can fire burn you?

Fire ca in fact burn you. There are three levels of burns. The levels are Fist degree, second degree, and third degree burns.

What burn has blisters plus damage only to the epidermis and dermis?

Second-degree burn

What is another name for a second degree burn?

Second degree are also called partial-thickness burns. They are the second least severe type.

What degree of burn is most serious first second or third?

A second degree burn is red with blisters. Third degree burns have a black charred appearance. Second degree burns are also more painful because they have highly damaged the nerves, however the nerves can still feel. Third degree burns have burned so deeply that the nerves no longer feel.