The average monthly income of floristis $1,588 to $2,411
The average monthly income of the German people in euros is 4,075. This is comparable with the average income in other European countries.
The average monthly income of a Filipino is about 6,000 Philippine pesos. That is equivalent to about $137 per month in the United States.
The average yearly income for a dermatologist working in the state of Florida is $253,000. The nationwide average for dermatologists in the US is $270,000 per year.
It is not possible to provide an average monthly income for an illegal immigrant on welfare as it is illegal for them to receive welfare benefits in the United States.
The average monthly income for music producers is $71,000. This is the same monthly average for film producers as well.
4,200 a month (:
50 pence
The monthly income of a cosmetologist depends on where the cosmetologist is working, their amount of experience, and the size of their employer. On average, after a year of experience, the monthly income can be up to $2,443 per moth. After five years of experience the monthly income can range up to $2,532 per month.
A police detective monthly income will depend upon the police department he works for and his experience. An average amount will be approximately $2,000 a month.