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Particles other than air not commonly seen in the chest that has yet to be confirmed. Improper handling of films during developing process at times can contribute to such. Another xray view (apicolordotic) can help confirm the unknown particles.

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8y ago

Densities on X-rays just means an area of "dense" appearance, most often showing as a darker shadow on the test film. Suspicious densities simply means that the radiologist identifies that it should not be there ("suspicious") and therefore needs further examination. Apex, in this situation, means the topmost or uppermost areas of the lungs. Right side, here, means the radiologist saw this unusual finding in the upper right lobe.

However awful this sounds, it may be nothing. For example, I had severe bronchitis several years ago so I went to an urgent care where they did a chest X-ray. They refused to tell me the results--instead, as I found out later, they called my doctor because they suspected cancer. BUT we redid a chest X-ray after I was over the bronchitis--the X-ray was clear. How can that be? In infection, the body tries to "wall off" an area of bacteria-- this is called encapsulating or encapsulation. An encapsulated pocket of infection keeps the infection localized so it cannot do more damage--this will appear as a darker blotch or area on the X-Ray. Antibiotics cleared up the infection, and the localized pocket of infection. There was never cancer there! The radiologist erred by over-reading the film and overlooking the most obvious explanation, which was I had bronchitis.

Other diseases and conditions cause lung densities. Always get a repeat chest X-ray within 2-3 weeks to rule out the worst.

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7y ago

This is something you should ask your doctor about.

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