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A Psychological Approach is a theory created by a psychologist. This theory is applied to different aspects of Psychology, the approach basically provides an explanation of a specific topic from a certain point of view.

It is important to know that a Psychological Approach is not a complete explanation of a specific topic, so a particular approach is not the 'correct' answer to a topic it is simply applicable. Other approaches can then be applied to the topic as to see which applies the most and is the most reliable approach for that specific topic.

A few Psychological Approaches include:

Freud's Psychodynamic Approach. -

* Actions are controlled by the ID, Ego and Super Ego, specific actions are carried out to provide gratification to the ID. * Defence mechanisms - Repression, Displacement etc.* The stages of development - Chances of becoming fixated in specific stages, mapping out our future behavior and characteristics. Lewinsohn's Behavioural Approach. -

* Social learning & Vicarious Reinforcement - Observe behaviours in others, observe good outcomes, reinforcing the behaviour causing it to be repeated. * Classical Conditioning - Associate a specific act with something else (e.g Socialising with happiness) and this causes the act to be more or less likely to be repeated. * Operant Conditioning - consequences to actions cause the act to be less or more likely to be repeated

Darwin's Evolutionary Approach. -

* Natural selection & Sexual selection - Survival of the fittest, survival of those with more provisions, more likely to pass on their genes.

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