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give stress release management like regular medicines,health education,music , games ect

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Q: What is nursing intervention for a patient who is stressed?
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The first syllable (pa-) is the stressed syllable in patient.

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What is a good nursing intervention for patient that will not eat?

ask them why they dont want to eat then implement a plan when you know what the problem is ie give them alternatives to what they dont want to eat weight them accordingly

What are the nursing interventions for measles?

Nursing interventions for measles include providing supportive care such as rest, hydration, and fever management. Isolation precautions should be implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Educating the patient and family about the importance of vaccination and monitoring for complications such as pneumonia is also crucial.

What is an nursing intervention for ineffective breathing pattern? patient in Fowler position r: to promote lung expanded 2.allow adequate rest period between care activity r: reduce oxygen consumption 3. monitor patient's oxygen level using oximeter r: to know oxygen level of patient for future intervention 4.teach deep breathing exercise to the patient r. to promote relaxation and and deep breathing pattern for the patient

What are the nursing intervention with cholera?

health promotion and community moblisation

What are the different nursing intervention of choanal atresia?

there's nothing to do about it