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When a patient displays normal integration of a primitive supporting reflex in response to a stimulus (i.e.: gravity). This indicates no upper motor neuron lesion in the brain region responsible for integrating the tested primitive reflex.

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Q: What is negative supporting reaction in physiotherapy?
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When a chemical reaction has a negative delta G is the reaction exothermic or endothermic?

When a chemical reaction has a negative delta G, the reaction is exothermic because delta G is the change in energy of a system and the change in its entropy. If the effect of a reaction is to reduce G, the process will be spontaneous so delta G is negative. Hope this helps :)

What does a negative deltaH tell about a reaction?

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What equation is used to indicate the exothermic reaction?

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What is negative publicity?

Negative publicity is when you do something and you get a negative reaction from people. Such as a celebrate getting into a fight at a bar.