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Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); Chlamydia trachomatis, amplified probe technique

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Q: What is medical service code 87491?
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What is medical procedure code 87491?

CPT Code 87491 - Chlamydia trachomatis, amplified probe technique

What is cpt code 87491?

CPT Code 87491 : Chlamydia trachomatis, amplified probe technique.

What is the diagNOSIS for 87491?

87491 is the procedure code for a chlamydia test. Chlamydia testing is most commonly done for screening; for intance all women 15-26 should get tested for chlamydia annually. In that case the diagnosis code for 87491 is V74.5. It may also be done due to exposure, discharge, dysuria, rash, and other symptoms.

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The medical service code 93000 is for an electrocardiogram or EKG. This service code is usually involved with placing six leads onto a patient.

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The medical service code of 450 is the revenue code for the hospital. 451 is used for the claim, which is also the part in revenue code.

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What does medical service code J1055 stand for?

Medical service code J1055 stands for injection of the contraceptive medroxyprogesterone acetate. This medical code also has the dosage for the injection atÊ150 mg.

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CPT Code 93799- Unlisted cardiovascular service or procedure

What does medical service code 27786 stand for?

Medical service code stands for closed treatment of a distal fibular fracture. It is used for study and medical insurance statistics and payment.

What HCPCS code is used to test for chlamydia?

87491 is the code for the amplified probe. In the unlikely event that you're doing a chlamydia culture, it's 87110.

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