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IV- thing that you change

DV- what you measure

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Q: What is iv and dv?
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What does iv and dv stand for in science?

The IV = Independent VariableThe DV = Dependent VariableAND!!In science you'll learn:Hypothesis = an "If...,then" statement > EXAMPLE > If I mix red paint with blue paint, then it will turn purple > WHERE IS THE IV & DV?? > Remember: "If...[IV]...,then...[DV]" > so: mixing red and blue paint = IV, and turning purple = DV

Where can you find the IV and DV on a graph?

the iv is what you change and the dv depends on what changes. the iv is usually on the bottom of a graph and the dv is usually at the side, but depending on the graph, the order could be vise versa.

What are the IV an DV of Pavlov's dog experiment and The Skinner box experiment?

The IV in Pavlov's experiment is the bell and DV is the [amount of] salivation. The reason is that the salivation is dependent on the bell ringing. The IV in Skinner's experiment is the food reward and the DV is the amount of time it took to push the lever.

In a science project what do IV and DV stand for?

Independent variable and dependent variable

Where does the IV and DV go on the x or y axis?

The answer depends on what it is that you are trying to study.

What does iv and dv mean?

The independent variable is what you measure and the dependent variable is what you change

Is the independent variable the cause or the effect?

Cause. The IV is what the experimenter changes, the DV is the result.

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what i s the conceptual definition of IV "mother's education"? what is the conceptual definition of DV "effect on child"?

What is the deffintion of controlled experiment?

a controlled experiment is an experiment that has an iv, dv, and a control, is in a well handled environment, and the experiment is safely done.

Can you give an example of variable in a science project?

What is changed, either by you or the different results. The mother-category of the IV and DV. (independent VARIABLE, and dependent VARIABLE) :)

Are open containers of water that evaporate independent variables?

It depends. The IV is what YOU change in an experiment, the Dependent Variable is what changes as a result of the IV. If you are changing something else to see how much water evaporates under certain conditions, then the water is the DV.

the effect of the amount of fertilizer on plant height?

IV : amount of fertilizer 3 levels of IV : lots of fertilizer, a little fertilizer, no fertilizer. DV : plant height 3 constants : location, amt of water, type of plant graph : Bar