Non Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs, (NSAID's), like Naprosyn or Indocin are used to relieve pain and stiffness. In severe cases, Azulfidine, another drug to reduce inflammation, or methotrexate, an immune suppressing drug, is recommended. In cases where chronic therapy is needed, potential drug side effects must be taken into consideration. Corticosteroid drugs are effective in relieving symptoms, but are usually reserved for severe cases that do not improve when NSAID's are used. To avoid potential side effects, treatment with is usually limited to a short amount of time.
Ankylsing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder. It is an arthritic condition generally affecting the spine although it may also affect large joints such as knees, jaw, ankles, and shoulders. As can also attack the rib cage, limiting chest expansion and inhibiting breathing.
It usually affects males 17 to 22 years of age. It is also found among the female population. AS is mostly found among the population with B+ blood and a gene called hlaB27. This is found by taking a blood sample. Diagnosis of AS is a process of eliminating other conditions that are similar in appearance. AS is also called 'the great imitator' as the condition may resemble many conditions including cancer and multiple sclerosis. A patient may be diagnosed by taking x rays and a simple blood test.
AS can also attack internal organs around the spinal region of the body and can cause secondary conditions such as hammer toe and iritis. Over time, the spine or other joints may fuse together causing what is known as 'Poker spine' and the person will not be able to bend over at all. The condition can become debilitating but not often fatal. The disorder can cause other autoimmune and chronic disorders that may lead to fatalities due to kidney disease or swollen heart. Some patients have been known to die from medications used to treat the illness.
The presence of hlaB27 does not mean the person will develop AS but the gene is found in over 97% of sufferers with AS. People with AS should keep x rays to a minimum as this has been shown to be contradictory in some people and may cause leukemia.
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Spondylitis means inflammation of the spinal vertebrae. arly physical signs include failure to demolish the lumbar lordosis on forward flexion, pain on sacroiliac compression, and restriction of movements of the lumbar spine in all directions.
Aesculus hippocastanum, Aurum metallicum, Agar, causticum, cimic, conium,, kalmegh., natrum mur, rhus tox