You first need to get the heavy metals moving in your body, which will make you feel worse in the short term. To do this you can take a supplement, which can be one of the following:
B. NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
C. 5-HTP
D. Selenium (Works for mercury and silver, but I do not know about the others.)
You should be able to find them at a health food store. It is when you have the metals moving and bound with one of the above supplements that they can be removed from the body. For the final step, blend....
1 cup of Extra Virgin organic olive oil (first cold pressed)
2 large bunches of cilantro
8 large cloves of garlic.
Then swallow 2 teaspoons a day. You will probably need to continue this for a couple of weeks. Depending on your diet, you may need to do this periodically, as many foods contain aluminum and titanium. Good luck, and remember that it will be worth it.
Yes Sulphur and Nux Vomica are two general medicines for detoxification in homeopathy. Unless it is known which of the heavy metal is involved and the patient history, it is difficult to comment further.
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Heavy Metal with Christian imagery and lyrics.
The Production Budget for Heavy Metal was $9,300,000.
Nu-metal, heavy metal, alternative metal, groove metal.
Heavy metal. Classic metal to start with, but recently they have gone more towards prog/power metal.
some people say they are heavy metal but I say they are screamo
Heavy Metal Heroes was created in 1982.
do covers of heavy metal songs
Heavy Metal Funkason was created in 1998.
Heavy Metal Fruit was created in 2009.
Heavy Metal Me was created on 2005-11-18.