Clinical is when a student of a college program such as nursing, x-ray technician, surgical assistant, or other hands on careers spend some of their time practicing what they have learned on actual patients under the supervision of the instructor. They care for the patients as if it was a real job. There is no pay for the student and they do gain valuable experience.
A clinical approach involves the use of empirical information and treament.
Clinical Pharmacology is the application of pharmacological concepts and principles in the clinical setting.
why are clinical embryologists important
Clinical Practice Guidelines or Clinical Guidelines or Clinical Guidance is commonly abbreviated as CPGs or CGs
Clinical Rehabilitation was created in 1987.
Clinical Leukemia was created in 2006.
Clinical Toxicology was created in 1968.
Clinical Pediatrics was created in 1962.
Clinical Proteomics was created in 2004.
Clinical Medicine was created in 1966.
Clinical Cardiology was created in 1978.
Clinical Nursing Research was created in 1992.