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Bacitracin is an antibiotic that treats staph infection caused by a bacteria called staphylococcus (STAF-il-oh-KOK-us). Bacitracin is used in infants to treat pneumonia. It is also used to treat an infection that causes pus to build up between the lungs and the membrane that covers them. Bacitracin may also be used for purposes other than those listed. Your Friend, Guru U

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16y ago
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10y ago

Bacitracin zinc is the zinc salt of Bacitracin. Bacitracins A,B1,B2 and B3polypeptides antibiotics mixtures produced by certain strains of Bacillus licheniformis or Bacillus subtilis. It is used to cure bacterial diarrhea of livestock and bloody flux caused by treponema, treatment of local infections of the skin, eye and ear.

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9y ago

Bacitracin is a nonprescription antibiotic, usually provided in topical ointment form and discovered as a product of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.

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Related questions

Which are the elements that compose bacitracin?

Bacitracin contain C, H, N, O, S.

Classification for bacitracin ointment?

bacitracin is classified as a PEPTIDE (reference:

What are the indications for Bacitracin?

bacitracin is limited to the treatment of infants with pneumonia and empyema caused by staphylococci shown to be susceptible to the drug

Is bacitracin safe for cats?

You shouldn't use bacitracin on any pet. Keep it out of reach of small children, too.

Does bacitracin zinc contain sulfur?

Bacitracin does have a sulfur molecule in its structure. If you are asking if bacitracin is a sulfa drug, then no, it is not a sulfa drug and can be used in patients with sulfa allergies for burns when silver sulfadiazene cannot be used.

Does bacitracin come in a cream?


Is bacitracin a sulfa drug?


Can bacitracin ointment be used to treat pink eye?

Generally, no. Bacitracin ointment should not be applied near the eye unless it is Bacitracin ophthalmic ointment. Even that medicine, however, is only useful against bacterial infections, and only some of those. Most cases of "pink eye" are caused by viruses, and are therefore not treatable with Bacitracin.

Is bacitracin the same as cefazolin?

No, bacitracin and cefazolin are different antibiotics with distinct chemical structures and mechanisms of action. Bacitracin is primarily used topically for skin infections, while cefazolin is typically given by injection to treat various bacterial infections.

Can bacitracin be used for a cold sore?

Yes it can. I have been suffering from cold soars all my life and bacitracin helps heal them fast.

Is bacitracin the same as bactroban?

They are not the same - they contain different antibiotics. Bactroban also requires a prescription.

What test can be performed to differentiate between group A and group C streptococci?

The bacitracin sensitivity test can be performed to differentiate between group A and group C streptococci. Group A streptococci are sensitive to bacitracin, while group C streptococci are resistant. A zone of inhibition around a bacitracin disk indicates susceptibility, suggesting the organism is group A streptococci.