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The cutting edge of mapping the human brain is by using computerised tomography.

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Q: What is a method scientists currently use to map the function of the human brain?
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What scientists study the brain?

Neuroscientists study the brain to understand its structure, function, and development. Other disciplines that study the brain include neurologists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists.

What do modern cognitive scientists use the as an analogy of brain function?

slave to willpower,boss of senses,...pleasure oriented

How do scientists determine which areas of the brain are associated with specific actions emotions and function?

Scientists use techniques like functional MRI, PET scans, and EEG to study brain activity during specific tasks or emotions. By analyzing patterns of brain activation, researchers can identify which areas are involved in different actions, emotions, and functions. Additionally, studies of brain lesions in patients with specific deficits can also provide insight into the functions of different brain regions.

How do scientists study the brain?

Scientists study the brain through various methods such as imaging techniques like MRI and fMRI, electrophysiological recordings, and post-mortem tissue analysis. These methods allow researchers to investigate brain structure, function, connectivity, and biochemical processes to understand how the brain works and how it is involved in various cognitive and behavioral functions.

What is a brain lesion?

A brain lesion is damage caused on purpose to a very specific location in an animal's brain. This method is used in lab experiments, since it allows us to research a specific location's function in the brain by observing the effects of its lesion.

Can different parts of brain can function or responsible for same thing?

In almost all the cases the most of the brain has taken part in processing the information. Some part of the brain is primarily take part in some particular function. The intense desire of the scientists to attribute the particular job to particular area create the impression that the brain parts work in isolation. For example you have basic instincts like hunger and sex in limbic system of the brain. But it can not function without the involvement of the cerebral cortex.

What is a brain imaging technique?

A brain imaging technique is a method used to visualize and examine the structure and function of the brain. Examples include MRI, CT scan, PET scan, and fMRI. These techniques are valuable in diagnosing neurological disorders, studying brain activity, and understanding the brain's anatomy.

Can alcohol and other drugs stimulate inhibit or halt release of chemical that help the brain function?

Alcohol and other drugs can stimulate, inhibit or halt the release of chemicals that help the brain to function normally. It depends on the method of taking the drug as to how quickly it affects the body.

What do neuropyschologists know about brain function?

The graduate education and training for neuropsychologists emphasizes brain anatomy , brain function, and brain injury or disease.

What is accomplished by doctors and scientists performing sleep studies?

By preforming sleep studies, doctors and scientist achieve many accomplishments. Such accomplishments are better understanding of the brain's function.

Why do you need a brain?

You need a brain to function.

What do scientists call the limbic system in the brain?

Scientists call the limbic system in the brain the "emotional brain" as it is involved in regulating emotions, behaviors, motivation, and memory.