The leaves should be gathered in the spring and early summer.
All parts of the dandelion have medicinal value. Young dandelion leaves should be gathered in the spring. Blossoms, throughout the flowering season. The deep, fleshy taproot in the fall.
Airmid: Celtic goddess of healing; Oversees magical spring that resurrects the dead; protector of medicinal herbs and plants
Medicinal Chemistry by Ashutosh KAr Medicinal Chemistry by Patricks
'Medicinal' means having the properties of medicine
they have no medicinal uses
The herbs have a medicinal quality.
mi diss in ill is the pronunciation for medicinal.
A medicinal is a drug or substance used for the purposes of medicine.
I'm looking for a medicinal solution.
The purpose of being a medicinal chemist is to research and develop new medicinal drugs. The many advancements in pharmaceuticals would not have been possible without medicinal chemists.