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Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the nasal septum by straighten it. The nasal septum is located between the two nasal cavities.

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Q: What is Septoplasty?
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Related questions

What is the average price of Septoplasty surgery?

The price of Septoplasty surgery varies depending on who does the procedure and where it is done. The cost of Septoplasty surgery can be from $1000 to anywhere up to $5000 or more!

What precautions are associated with septoplasty?

Septoplasty is ordinarily not performed within six months of a traumatic injury to the nose.

Reshaping of the nasal septum to correct airway obstruction?

30520- Septoplasty- reshaping of the nasal septum.

Why is septoplasty performed?

Septoplasty is performed to correct a crooked (deviated) or dislocated septum. Septoplasty may also be done as a follow-up procedure following facial trauma, as the nose is frequently broken or dislocated by blows to the face

Can septoplasty help reshape your nose?


When is it ok to smoke after septoplasty?

48 hours.

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Can septoplasty surgery be performed as an out-patient procedure?

Septoplasty surgery can be performed as an out-patient procedure in fact this is the normal. The surgery can last one to two hours and is done with general anesthesia.

How do you remove a nasal packing?

How is nasal packing removed after septoplasty

What Medical procedure is performed to correct damage to the septum of the nose?


What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is purely cosmetic. Septoplasty is for medical reasons only, to repair a deviated septum in most cases. Someone might get one of these surgeries without the other (or both together).

Is it safe for a young teen to have septoplasty?

ideally one has to wait till 16 years for female and 18 years for male but if the deviation is very severe you can go for extracorporal septoplasty, preferred by some after 6 years of age. such patients usually has to be weight against the possible side effects. septoplasty at young age were believed to affect the mid facial growth.