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Yes dont it hurts REALLY F'ng bad and you will have a defective arm because you cut through tendons and muscles.

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Q: What happens if you slit your wrist Can the vessel be repaired?
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Do slit and wrist rhyme?

Yes, "slit" and "wrist" rhyme. Both words end with the "it" sound, making them perfect rhyme.

What rhymes with sunkist?

big fist, slit wrist

Why do people slit theyere wrist when they are smoking crack?

they are on drugs. why do they do anything?

Does James parkinson slit his wrist while listening to slipknot?


Did Michael Jackson slit his wrist?

No, he once said he would slit his wrists before he'd hurt a child, but he never actually did it.

What does kiss tattoo on the wrist mean?

It means you have slit your wrists in the past. Excuse me? No it doesn't! I have a lipstick kiss on my wrist and this is in fact a tattoo of my mum's kiss, she has terminal bowel cancer and i wanted something permanent on my body that would remind me of her always! I have certainly NEVER slit my wrists!

What happens when light bends through a slit in a door?

When light bends through a slit in a door, it undergoes diffraction, causing the light waves to spread out and create an interference pattern on the other side of the slit. This phenomenon is known as single-slit diffraction and is a characteristic of wave behavior exhibited by light.

Is is ok to slit your wrist?

No! Cutting is an addiction. It's not something you can 'just stop' and it's not safe either. No matter what you're going through, you can get through it, and you can get through it safely

What happens when a third slit is introduced in Young's double slit experiment?

Born's rule predicts that interference patterns from three or more slits is equivalent to combining the effects of several double slit experiments. This rule was validated in an experiment done at the University of Waterloo in 2010.

If you accidentally cut a slit up your arm like from the wrist ...above the veins... to your elbow would you die?

Cutting a slit from your wrist to your elbow above the veins could cause significant bleeding, but whether it would be life-threatening depends on the depth of the cut and how quickly medical attention is received. It's important to seek immediate medical help in such a situation to prevent serious complications.

Do people have to slit their wrist to be an emo?

No! People think emos have to cut themselves to be emo, but that's not true! Don't cut yourself! If you do, talk to someone about it, because it's very dangerous and addictive!

What is the past tense and past participle of slit?

The past tense of "slit" is "slit" and the past participle is also "slit."