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If you have a family history of colon cancer, you should have a colonoscopy once a year, but based on your own health and your specific family history, consult your doctor.

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Q: What frequency should you have colonoscopy with a family history of colon cancer?
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Age you get test for gastroenterology?

For colonoscopy, the recommended age for your first screening is 50 if you have no family history of colon cancer.

For a person with family history of colon cancer, what is the appropriate age for colonoscopy screening?

Most experts recommend that you should receive your first colonoscopy at the age of 50, or 45 if your family has a history of it. You should receive one every 10 years, or every 5 if you feel you are at risk for colon cancer.

Do people with family history of colon cancer need to undergo colonoscopy every year?

Yes, having your colonoscopy screening yearly helps in prevention of colon cancer because you are able to detect any changes or malfunctions in your colon.

My doctor wants to do a sigmoidoscopy in addition to a colonoscopy. Why not just the colonoscopy?

It's not in addition to, it's instead of. Reason, in addition to cost, is that the majority of polyps are found in the region covered by a sigmoidoscopy. If you have a history of colon cancer in your family, and are over age 40, I'd strongly argue for the colonoscopy.

What connection does testicular cancer have to heredity?

Family history of testicular cancer.

How does family history impact a woman's choice for breast cancer treatment?

Women with a strong family history of breast cancer and/or who test positive for a known cancer-causing gene may choose to have both breasts removed.

If you have a family history of cancer it is guaranteed that you will develop cancer?

No, it isn't. But you should try to stay away from the things that caused the cancer to be 'triggered' in your family members. I have cancer in my family as well but it was mostly due to smoking. I have not ever smoked.

If you have a family history of cancer it is guarantee that you will develop cancer?

No, it isn't. But you should try to stay away from the things that caused the cancer to be 'triggered' in your family members. I have cancer in my family as well but it was mostly due to smoking. I have not ever smoked.

If you have a family history of cancer it is guaranteed that you will develop cancer.?

No, it isn't. But you should try to stay away from the things that caused the cancer to be 'triggered' in your family members. I have cancer in my family as well but it was mostly due to smoking. I have not ever smoked.

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Does Bar Rafaeli smoke?

No she does not smoke, her family has a history of cancer