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As a Paramedic, when I assess a patients condition, I look for 'Signs & Symptoms'.1. If the patient is UNCONSCIOUS use Signs - these signs are the signals that certain organs give off that tell me whether they are functioning or not... These signals are as follows:To check the BRAIN, assess the LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS,To check the LUNGS, assess the BREATHING,To check the HEART, assess the PULSE andassess the SKIN for COLOR and TEMPERATURE.The above organs are called VITAL ORGANS, and the SIGNS to look for are called VITAL SIGNS.2. If the patient is CONSCIOUS ask the patient about their SYMPTOMS. In other words. SYMPTOMS are things the patient needs to tell the rescuer like pain & nausea.not eating cheese is a symptom of lactosintolerant
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Q: What does symptoms mean in first aid terms?
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Sign: Is something that you can see (for example, dilated pupils or bleeding). Symptom: Something a person feels (for example: nausea or headache). Note: I assume you means signs and symptoms in first aid terms so that is why I gave those answers lol.

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