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Moth balls are made either of napthalene and paradichlorobenzene, with napthalene being rougely twice as toxic per dose. As mothballs are no longer commonly used, it's difficult to get truly up to the minute First Aid or Treatment information -- one paper I retrieved was dated 1954 and cited "studies" in 1948. I'll do the best that I can, but be advised that you need to call Poison Control, at 800-222-1222 for much better info than I can give you here. That said, here goes: Napthalene (and possibly paradichlorobenzene as well) absorb directly into the brain. The route tranvelled from there is not well known (this is, I suspect, because we lacked the technology to really track this when moth balls were commonly in use, and now they're rare enough that the research isn't worthwhile). In the case of oral intake, or in acute cases of transdermal or inhaled intake, vomiting typically occurs quickly. Let them vomit, but do not induce vomiting. From the brain, by unsure routes, naphathatlene lyses the blood to some extent causing anemia, low hemoglobin/hematacrit readings, and a variety of blood dysgracias. Soon after, Central Nervous System (CNS) damage manifest in lethargy, numbness of extremities, and eventual unconsciousness. Acute cases will soon attack the liver and kidneys. Naphthalene also metabolically converts to 1,2-napthoquinone, which bonds irreversibly to proteins in the lens of the eye, causing cataracts (Haffizulla, Beck et al, Hospital Physician, November 2002 -- see links). There is no antidote to this (and many other) toxins, so palliative treatment is the course of action to take. In acute dosage. this toxin induces a long, painful, (but easily identifiable) experience, rarely followed by death. Much of the damage may not be fully reversible. Hospital measures include sorbitol followed by activated charcoal (which is assumed to absorb napthalene). Life support is given as needed. Even in acute dosages, death is an unusual result. === === * Rescuer should use gloves and mask and, if there's a chance that inhalation was the primary course of injestion, get the patient to clean air. COnsider breathing equipment. * If the subject was in skin or eye contact with napthalene, flush the contaminated area for 10-20 minutes with fresh, clean water. * If they vomit -- great. Do not induce vomiting, however, as the onset of CNS symptoms may occur any time. * If the subject appears cyanotic, consider O2 by mask hi-flow (as the H&H will likely be compromised). * Try and ascertain the method and duration of dosing. Naphthalene doesn't incapacitate instantly, and many of the case studies I read had the patient consuming naptha for up to 5 days or more. Longer exposure will cause a wide path of damage. * Transport, even if the patient has only consumed one.

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