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my MRI of my brain says there is dark fluid what does this mean

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Q: What does dark fluid mean in a MRI of the brain?
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The MRI would detect enlarged vesicles.

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T2 FLAIR Hyperintensity is when hyperintensity is seen via FLAIR (Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery) during the T2, or spin-spin, relaxation cycle. This process helps nullify natural fluid signals in the body to find plaques and lesions in the brain. Hyperintensity describes areas of high intensity in the brain during an MRI.

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Yes, a arachnoidtis will show on an MRI. This will show up on an MRI as a brain lesion, but doctors will furthur be able to determine exactly what the lesion is from.

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Yes.Thats true if MRI of brian and iac are done on same day use 59 on iac.

What is T2 hyperintense?

Hyperintensities refer to areas of high intensity on particular types of magnetic resonance imaging scans of the hum an brain. These small regions of high intensity are observed on T2 weighted MRI images within cerebral white matter or subcortical gray matter.

What is T2FLAIR?

T2 FLAIR is an MRI sequence used when scanning brain anatomy. It stands for Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery and is a T2 weighted scan where signal from CSF is nulled giving a good detailed view of brain anatomy.

What does it mean when the surface of the brain where it is usually very wrinkled is smooth instead according to an MRI?

its a thig or somthing like a tabla surface