

Best Answer

Prior First Aid training.

A calm manner and clean cotton material to apply direct pressure to the wound, to stop the bleeding.

HOWEVER! -Please be more specific, as this question could be in regard to anything from a bloody nose to a lost limb.

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Q: What do you need if someone is bleeding?
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well first they need help if they can get it. how bad is it?

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call the ambulance easy pease

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i am having the same thing. tell me if you find anything out and i hope someone will answer this!

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Intestinal bleeding may happen if someone has bleeding in their intestines. It can also happen in the stomach, which then causes black stool at times.

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the clot the blood to make it thicker

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It means someone has been bleeding.

What is the second step when treating someone for shock?

Control the bleeding.

When you go running you get internal bleeding of your calf muscle?

no...YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR ! No....and if you are bleeding internally in your calf muscle, then you need a doctor. ASAP.

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Bleeding for a month is not healthy. You need to see your doctor.