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Hi there! this is Rhett Milton here... thought i might start putting a little of my knowledge to good use!?

Sorry about the long story!!!...

I'm no expert on sports injuries but i have studied what should be done and also have first hand experience of doing the wrong thing!... obviously before i knew what to do which severely increased the time for healing process to take place!...

So this is what happened followed by what i should have done!...

...Commonly as sports people do!... i was overtraining in a bid to achieve a high level of fitness boosting my sports performance and getting the respect of my peers which i now know is ridiculous when the maintenance of Homeostasis (good health) is concerned. i was playing football and was not even interested in activity becaus i was so tired from training... and me being in goal... a fellow class mate shoots for a goal only to be denied by my left foot!... unknowingly, the impact of the ball to my left foot was too strong taking into account how weak i have left my body through over-training! causing a sprain to the inside of my left ankle!...being warmed up and ready for activity at the time i did not really registar the pain... however when finshed it felt stiff and sore!... what "I" did at the time was just carry on with my training and daily routine where i should have put into practice first aid method known as P.R.I.C.E... which was formily known as rice before!...

the letter (P) stands for Protect which means i should have protected my ankle from any further damge by stopping the activity... next there is

(R) which stands for Rest... which means i should have stayed of my ankle for at least a week depending on the strength of it and slowly returned to activity with very slow progressions by that i mean being very specific with daily activity e.g. counting how many steps you do in a day until a return to normal ankle strength...

next is (I) which stands for Ice which should be applyed to the damaged area of the body as this closes the blood vessels in the area and minimises bleeding which in turn could speed up recovery time!.. icing should be done for no less than 5 mins and no more than 10... repeated 3 times a day and for 3 days after suffering the injury...

then you have (C) which stands for Compression which also is another method of reducing the bleeding in the damaged area which should be done straight after the injury has occured...

lastly there is (E) which stands for Elevation as this reduces the blood pressure in the damaged area thus reducing the amount of bleeding that will go on. to create the most effective elevation of an injury you should if you can keep the damaged part above heart level!

theew!!... sorry about the long story but hopefully this information can help someone that has injured themselves and prevent from making the same mistake i did...

p.s.... because i didn't follow these steps with my ankle injury i was out of action for a whole 11 months where i should have been back in 6!

lol im joking because you have to get better by the time your in skool unless its summer vacation if it is everybody wins

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11y ago

Always check with your doctor about injuries that may be worse than minor. Usually you should rest for the day and elevate your foot. Try ice, 5 minutes on and 5 minutes off. Continue to use RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. After a few days try writing the letters of thealphabet with your foot. If it continues to hurt a lot the temporary use of crutches may help. Again, check in with your doctor if pain persists or other symptoms develop.

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14y ago

take them to a gp or doctor.

or just wrap it up in a bandage it will get better after a week or so

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13y ago

There is an appropriate ointment. Ask your pharmacist.

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Q: What do you do when your ankle is sprained?
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What bone is injured when you have a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle typically involves damage to the ligaments surrounding the ankle joint rather than a specific bone. However, in some cases, a sprained ankle can also involve a fracture in one of the ankle bones.

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How can you tell the difference between a sprained and twisted ankle?

There is no difference. A sprained ankle can also be known as an ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, ankle ligament injury, or ankle injury. It's when one or more ligaments are torn or partially torn where they are connected to your ankle bone.

Which heals faster a broken ankle bone or a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle typically heals faster than a broken ankle. The recovery time for a broken ankle can be several weeks to months, while a sprained ankle usually improves within a few days to a couple of weeks with proper rest and treatment.

What is the common sign that you sprained your ankle?

Your ankle is usually quite painful to walk on.

Do you need surgery for your ankle since its severely sprained?

Depends how severe the sprained ankle is. If ligaments are torn and joint unstable it may require surgery

Did you chip a piece of bone when you sprained your ankle?

A sprained ankle can sometimes result in a bone chip, called an avulsion fracture. This is not a common result of a sprain.

Do you think that I have sprained my ankle?

I recommend seeking medical attention to determine if you have sprained your ankle. Symptoms of a sprained ankle include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle. A healthcare professional can assess the injury and provide proper treatment.

Can a sprained ankle cause death?

Yes, it is possible to die from complications caused by a sprained ankle. Such complications include a blood clot forming in the ankle and causing a blood clot in the brain, lungs or heart.