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Call an ambulance, see a doctor, and get treatment.

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Q: What do you do if you inhale refrigerant?
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What do you do if you inhale freon?

first of all your voice gets deep its really funny then if you inhale enough of it you get really dizzy and it feels funny YOU ARE STUPID if you think its fun to inhale FREON(refrigerant).THE REAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS IF YOU INHALE TO MUCH YOU WILL DIE.REFRIGERANT IS HEAVIER THAN AIR AND WILL OUT WEIGH OXYGEN.ANYTIME THERE IS A REFRIGERANT LEAK THAT IS VISIBLE GET THE HELL OUT UNTIL IT CLEARS OUT.

When you inhale?

When you inhale

Does your diaphragm contract and move down when you inhale or exhale?

you inhale when your diaphragm contracts.

What does refrigerant compatibility mean not what it is?

Refrigerant compaticilty is about suiting the refrigerant to your refrigerant system. Every cooling system has refrigerant in it which depends on the type of system you use. If the refrigerant not matches with your system, it wont work. This is refrigerant compatibility.

When you inhale you breathe in what?

When you inhale you breath in oxygen

How do you put inhale in a sentence?

i can inhale air

What Disposable refrigerant containers are used for what type of refrigerant?

Disposable refrigerant containers are only used for virgin refrigerant.

Is inhale a verb?

Yes, inhale is a regular verb.

What is a sentence using the word inhale?

The boy needed to inhale as he was running around the track at school. inhale to breath.

When was Inhale Exhale created?

Inhale Exhale was formed in 2005 in Canton, Ohio.

How much nicotine does a non- smoker inhales from a smoker?

Smokers inhale 15% and the 85% Non-Smokers inhale

What is the past tense of inhale?

The past tense of inhale is inhaled.