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You can use a soft piece of cloth. If it is not availible, you can tear of a piece of cloth from your wear (but only in emergency). You con also wipe of the blood and wash the wound to reduse the need of a bandage.

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Q: What do you do if you are bleeding and you don't have a bandage?
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Whata to do if there is leakage or bleeding?

Put a bandage on it!

What can you use to stop the bleeding?

gloves cream

What is triangular bandage?

A triangular bandage is used as an arm sling. Or it can be used as a pad to control bleeding.

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What should you place by or beside a wound to stop bleeding?

A gauze bandage can be used to stop bleeding.

what first aid do you give to a bleeding person?

pads and bandage

Do you have to keep your bandage on after your depo shot?

No, the bandage is only there to protect your clothing if you have a little bleeding after the injection. You can remove it whenever you like.

If your horse has a wound and bleeds through his bandage you should?

If your horse is bleeding through a bandage, you should leave it in place and apply another layer of bandage materials. Then call your veterinarian to discuss what is going on.

What happens if a bandage is tight around a victims arm?

it stops the bleeding of course.

What do you do if a dogs wart is bleeding?

Stem the flow and bandage call your vet at once!

How to treat the victim of an Improvised Explosion Devise with an Emergency Bandage?

That depends on what time of woundz the victim is suffering. If all that you have is an emergency bandage or a so called "israeli bandage" the only thing you can do is stop bleeding from any extremities or limbs. You would take the bandage and apply it to the area bleeding and press down with pressure and attempt to secure it by tying either the bandage around the wound or using some sort of tourniquet.