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I would go and tell boss, but that's just me

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Q: What do you do if you are a nursing student and you observe a Registered nurse doing things against hospital policy?
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Who Developed an organized method to observe the human body?

There are several healthcare professionals who are registered to observe the human body. A few are sports doctors, surgeons, and also practitioners.

How do you do trademark in Excel?

Click on the cell where you want to enter the Registered Trademark symbol.Select Insert from the ribbon.Click on the Symbol icon on the right side of the Insert ribbon.Scroll through the list of options to find the Registered Sign ®.Click on the Registered Sign to highlight it.Click the Insert button (or just double-click directly on the Registered Sign).Observe the Registered Sign in your highlighted cell.

What senses do nursing assistants use to observe patients and residents?

Sight, hearing and even smell. will tell someone if a patient has an issue that needs attention

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No, it is not recommended to cut a puppy's nails while they are still nursing. Instead, observe the puppies closely during nursing sessions and separate them if needed to prevent scratching. Additionally, providing a safe and comfortable nursing environment can help reduce the chances of scratching.

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What do people with there heart getting removed do after the surgery?

Stay in the hospital for awhile recovering and then take physical therapy to get their cardiac strength up. They have to observe carefully for signs of rejection.

Certified nurse assistants and their career?

Nursing aides-also known as nursing assistants, certified nursing assistants, geriatric aides, unlicensed assistive personnel, orderlies, or hospital attendants-perform routine tasks under the supervision of nursing and medical staff. They answer patients' call lights; deliver messages; serve meals; make beds; and help patients to eat, dress, and bathe. Aides also may provide skin care to patients; take their temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure; and help them to get into and out of bed and walk. They also may escort patients to operating and examining rooms, keep patients' rooms neat, set up equipment, store and move supplies, and assist with some procedures. Aides observe patients' physical, mental, and emotional conditions and report any change to the nursing or medical staff. Nursing aides employed in nursing care facilities often are the principal caregivers, having far more contact with residents than do other members of the staff. Because some residents may stay in a nursing care facility for months or even years, aides develop ongoing relationships with them and interact with them in a positive, caring way.Source:

How can you observe acceleration when you are in vehicle?

You can observe acceleration in a vehicle by feeling your body being pushed backwards when the vehicle accelerates, and pushed forwards when it decelerates. Additionally, you can observe the speedometer increasing as the vehicle accelerates, indicating a change in velocity.

Can you show us the asteroid belt?

If you get the opportunity to observe through a large telescope then you may be able to see some of the larger asteroids in the belt. However this takes time, over a few nights as one mist observe the asteroids moving against the background of fixed stars. Usually astronomer use photographs to observe these movements.

An experiment is designed to compare the differences in health outcomes between people who are visited in the hospital by therapy cats and people who are not. Which of these is the independent variabl?

The independent variable in this experiment is whether the patients are visited in the hospital by therapy cats or not. This variable is manipulated by the researchers to observe its effect on the health outcomes of the patients.

What is bedside pharmacy?

Bed side pharmacy related with drug dispensing by the pharmacist beyond of OPD and IPD service to the ward of hospital by checking every patient bed by bed, to evaluate patient's prescriptions during ward visit with a inter-professional team of physician nursing staff and pharmacist. The main objective of this type of service is to carefully observe and record the pharmacokinetics of prescribed drugs that happens to be specific action by per individuals, adverse effect also.

If a nursing assistant is in an emergency situation but has not been trained to perform CPR should she leave?

No she should not leave. She should observe and learn; as she may be in a situation to perform CPR for some period of time until more help arrives.