Depends on what you mean by breathing problems, but no matter what you mean, it's potentially serious, so you'll have to take some action. Let's discuss options:
If you mean coughing or Asthma that you're already aware of and is already being treated, continue the treatment your doctor recommended. When in doubt phone your doc or an ER to get more information. DON'T wait. And if you aren't sure, act.
If the child is choking, start on clearing that. Check the throat for obstructions. Heimlich maneuver is well accepted.
If your child isn't breathing at all, FIRST get someone calling 911, second start rescue breathing (the reason for this is that, no matter how good you are at rescue breathing, eventually you'll tire -- good to have some back-up coming).
If it's anything more serious consider a 911 call. Breathing problems can be very serious indeed.
Note that the faster you react, the better the outcome.
If a child has an asthma attack, you have two main aims. These are:
For the first aim, many things can help. Reassure the child in order to relax them. Make sure they sit down, and if you are indoors open a door or a window to get fresh air in. If their inhaler is available, get them to take the inhaler. Encourage them to breathe steadily and deeply (saying "breathe from the stomach" or "breathe so your tummy moves" can help with this).
If the attack is serious and isn't passing, call emergency services.
You may also like to see - 7 Steps to control Childhood Asthma
refer to link below
You can not identify the primary complex of a child from the breathing sound.
when you start having breathing problems
breathing. It causes respiratory distress.
If you are having breathing problems the best place to go is to your physician to get checked out and to find out what the cause is and what they can do to help you. If it's an emergency you should always go to the ER first.
It is breathing and respiratory problems. A child's airway does not fully develop until they are 8 years old. Most heart abnormalities are caught before birth and much more rare.
He was having breathing problems at 69, died at 70. NOAH HOFFMAN
some of the times when you are pregnant the smoking will go through and harm your baby by coming out being special need or even having problems breathing. As the pregnancy goes on the baby can or can not be effected. smoking while pregnant can cause problems for you and the child.
The affects of having an unhealthy body are: diabeaties type 2, obeasity, health problems and breathing problems. To stay healthy you should exercise regulary, eat healthily and keep a good diet going. if you have health problems or breathing problems that you should go on a diet or consult your local gp.
It can cause problems with the heart and lungs and cause your child to have an arrhythmia, asthma, and other breathing issues, also the effects on your child are worse then if he is smoking marijuana. Hope this helped.
Adjustments, more commonly known as spinal manipulation, may be able to help some breathing problems. The biggest determinant will be what is causing the breathing problems. Spinal manipulation can increase the mobility of the thoracic spine and ribs which can make breathing easier. Also, manipulation may increase the function of muscles involved in breathing, again, making breathing easier. However, spinal manipulation has not been shown with scientific research to affect airway obstructions caused by asthma, allergies, emphysema, etc. Thus, if your breathing problems are purely mechanical (rib or spine dysfunction) then spinal manipulation will likely help 100%. If your breathing problems are caused by a conditions such as asthma, the spinal manipulation may make breathing a bit easier and improve quality of life, but it will not solve your will still need medical care.