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Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.

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Q: What do the letters FACC after a doctors name mean?
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What does FACC mean after a doctor's name?

After a Doctor's name, FACC probably means "Fellow of the American College of Cinematography."

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What does FACC after my doctor's name mean?

Fellow of the American College of Cardiology

What does the abbreviation facc mean after physician's name?

Fellow of the American Academy of Cardiology.

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American Chiropractic Network

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What do the letters JP mean after a doctors name?

It has nothing to do with medical qualifications, it merely shows the doctor is also a Justice of The Peace (Magistrate)

Facc after cardiologist name?

It yo grand daddy <Mr.Brown voice! .

What do the letters DC after a doctors name mean?

The letters DC mean that this doctor is a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor. These letters differentiate him/her from a doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of dentistry (DDS) or doctor of osteopathy (DO), or doctor of podiatry (DPM), or doctor of phiosophy (PhD), etc.

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1) Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners 2) Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK)

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Historical postnominal signifying a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland