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Sit down and wait for the doctor to finish I would imagine.

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Q: What do people do when doctor giving them a shot?
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What might people do when the doctor giving them a shot?


What is the thing called that the doctor uses when giving you a shot or drawing blood?

a needle.

What do people do when the doctor gives theme a shot?

I have never had a doctor give me a shot. It has always been a nurse or assistant.

How do you not feel a shot?

If you don't want to feel a shot, ask your doctor (or whoever is giving you the shot) to inject it very slowly. Take a big breath before the shot, and exhale while it's being injected. You can also get medication by prescription that will numb the skin

Can you get the flu shot if you are taking a narcotic?

As long as the reason you take the narcotic would, by itself, not cause a problem with getting a flu shot. If in doubt, always contact your doctor's office and ask a nurse or the doctor there who knows your medical history what you should do. Or before you get the shot, tell the nurse giving it about your condition and they can decide if it is a good thing to get it then.

Who shot Doctor Who?

The Seventh Doctor was shot by a gang member in the 1996 Television Movie.

Is it ok to drink alcohol with a poison ivy shot?

As with any medical treatment, you should ask your doctor how long you should wait before drinking alcohol. Common sense would tell you that at least 24 hours would be a minimum time but ask the doctor giving you any shot for his/her advice.

How do adults play doctor?

you play doctor like have a fake stethoscope, tongue depressors, fake shot, doctor outfits, and 3 people. One for receptionist, the second one for nurse, and third for the doctor.

How do i play?

you play doctor like have a fake stethoscope, tongue depressors, fake shot, doctor outfits, and 3 people. One for receptionist, the second one for nurse, and third for the doctor.

If you are on the depo shot what does it mean if you are throwing up a lot?

It means you may not be tolerating the shot. You need to see your doctor about changing your method of contraception. It can make some people slightly nauseous, but if you are vomiting a lot you should see your doctor quite soon.

How do you get rid of a eye bump?

There are different ways: 1.get a small towel and drench it with water(make sure it's hot) and apply to the affected area.reheat it whenever it starts to cool. Do this for 15 minutes everyday. 2. Go to and eye doctor. The doctor may give you the option of him/her giving you a shot in the eye during your appointment or giving you the shot through surgery. I chose surgery and my eye bump is gone completely and it hasn't come back. Good luck!

Can coffee help with COPD?

Coffee can not help people with COPD. The only thing to help with COPD is medicines giving by a doctor.