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poor circulatioin, get your blood taken to see if you are a diabetic, i suffer with this alot, I'm a diabetic, don't wait!

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Q: What could be the problem if you woke up with pins and needles in your middle and index fingers on your right hand - and both fingers were quite hot?
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Does injury to a somatic nerve cause pins and needles in feet and fingers?

maybe but so does medication they could have put you on

What could be wrong if you've had shoulder pain that has spread gradually down your left arm and into the top of your chest sometimes causing pins and needles in the fingers on your left hand?

The "pins and needles" thing sounds like you're having a problem with a pinched nerve, but the rest sounds like something that is a little more alarming. You should get to a doctor as soon as possible.

For the last few days you have had a pins and needles feeling in both your pinkie and ring fingers its also slightly numb what can this be?

This could be an ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome. It could be in the wrist, elbow, shoulder, or neck.

What can removing your gloves in the middle of winter cause?

Depending on the severity of the cold, you could get frostbite, and possibly lose your fingers.

Why is it importants not to resheath the needles?

Capped needles may be confused with sterile needles and could potentially lead to contamination or infection.

My friend is suffering from tightness in his chest and cramps or pins and needles feeling in shoulder and fingers?

If a person is feeling tightness in her chest and having cramps she should go to the hospital. Your friend could be having a heart attack.

Why is it when im playing basketball outside the side where youre palms are my palms and fingers will turn white and look like there cracking and look very white is this a problem?

it could be because you're putting too much pressure on your fingers.

How do drug users get there needles?

Chemists legally have to supply needles to addicts, this stops the spread of things like HIV and other blood related illnesses that could occur if they weren't given these needles.

How did Spider-Man have webes?

He had created a shooter and made some catridges so he could fire them when he pushed his two middle fingers he has to put a certain amount of preassure.

How many fingers are on the human hands?

8 because thumbs are not fingers After alien invasion in 2012 the human hand lost one finger (the middle finger), offered by all humans as a token of peace to the great leader Arfulia from the planet Zorkos. Hence the human hand counts 7 fingers. The middle finger was chosen so no human could ever offend Arfulia by giving him the finger, a gesture generally understood as rude.

Do people who bite their fingers have a problem?

Finger biting can be a habit or a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress. If someone is persistently biting their fingers to the point of causing harm or impact on daily functioning, it may be a sign of a problem that could benefit from professional support or intervention.

How do you take your blood sugar if your scared of needles?

You could drug the patient