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b. cessation of breathing is the greatest threat to life, therefore has the highest priority.

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Q: What conditions has the highest emergency priority a. loss of consciousness b. cessation of breathing c. shock d. bleeding?
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What are synonyms of unconscious?

Generally in the Emergency Department we call it "loss of consciousness" or LOC

What are the symptoms of breathing natural gas?

Symptoms of breathing natural gas can include headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and confusion. Prolonged exposure to high levels of natural gas can lead to more serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and even death. If you suspect a natural gas leak, it's important to evacuate the area immediately and contact emergency services.

What do you do after you check the scene and the victim for consciousness?

Call 911 (in America) or your local emergency number.

When assessing a casualty the three things to determine are?

When assessing a casualty, you should determine the casualty's level of consciousness, breathing status, and any life-threatening bleeding. These three key factors will help you prioritize the care needed and respond effectively in an emergency situation.

What is EEBD on a board ship?

Emergency Escape Breathing Device

What should emergency personnel do for cessation of breathing?

If a patient is not breathing it is also likely that their heart is not beating in a normal, effective rhythm or at all. The standard procedure is check if they are breathing - if not - they would begin CPR by performing 30 chest compressions for every 2 breaths into the mouth. Emergency personnel are also likely to have an automated defibrillator on hand - a device that when applied to the chest measures the electrical signals of the patient's heart and shocks them accordingly to try to restart the heart's normal rhythm - CPR is continued in between shocks. The patient would also likely have a mask on that supplies high concentrations of oxygen to help compensate for the lack of breathing or proper heart beat. The emergency personnel would likely administer this treatment in an ambulance while on their way to a hospital for specialist treatment.

When do you check for breathing?

Check for breathing as soon as the scene is safe, the patient is unconscious, and 911 (or the local emergency number) has been called.

What is a traechotomy?

an emergency procedure in which you make an incision in the throat to and esophagus to help breathing.

What is ammonia inhalant?

Ammonia inhalant is a respiratory stimulant that is used to help people who have fainted or lost consciousness. When inhaled, it can help to increase alertness and stimulate breathing. However, it should only be used in emergency situations and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

What are the conditions of emergency loans?

Some conditions of the emergency loans some banks and corporations give out could be no payments for six months, or lower interest rates.

What conditions are treated through cricothyroidotomy?

to provide an emergency breathing passage for a patient whose airway is closed by traumatic burn closing of the airway due to an allergic unconsciousness.ill patients with structural abnormalities in the neck.

What substance that increases heart rate and blood pressure and breathing rate in an emergency?
