It depends on what kind of "fit" it is. If it is a seizure the causes could be very different than someone getting emotionally upset and "pitching" or "throwing" a fit. There could be medical reasons for any fit, even an emotional one, but sometimes people react very strongly to something and get upset and start throwing things. And it depends on the person what could cause this. Finding out that a spouse is having an affair could trigger it in one person... and just missing a phone call could cause it in someone else.
Epileptic seizures can be caused by certain kinds of flashing lights in some people, and I have seen a seizure caused by a doctor putting on a cast too tightly... so there are various causes there as well.
Lack of jobs that fit within the disciplines of the people residing there.
hanging with your friends and they do it you might do it to fit in with them or to try and be cool not realising the bad effects of it
when people can't fit into their clothes or when they weigh themselves and see they gained a couple of pounds. they feel they need to get some exercise or eat more healthy
people are fit to keep themselves healthy
Most people fit in many kinds of places but the popularity of people go to gyms.
People who eat healthy and exercise are definitely fit now.
Typically, a lifeboat can fit over 60 people.
53,000 People can fit in Franklin Field.
Yes. 60,000 people can fit in 4 miles so over 900,000 can fit over 15 miles. And 15,000 people can fit in 1 mile
The gattlin rocket fit 300 people in one segmant
9000000000 people can fit on the Hindenburg