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Usual cause of irregular heartbeat in toddles is sinus arrhythmia in which the heart rate varies during the phases if respiration. This is normal. However many congenital Heart diseases can cause arrhythmia and those children need proper evaluation.

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16y ago

The heartbeat of an infant is normally faster than that of an adult, but if your infant's heartbeat seems unusually fast, you should get it checked out by a pediatrician.

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"atrial fibrillation" is the irregular quivering action of the atria, which in turn, may cause "palpitations" (the awareness of an irregular heartbeat) and/or "tachycardia" (rapid heartbeat).

Where can I find irregular heartbeat information?

You can find information about irregular heartbeat at However, checking in the internet is not enough you need to check with your doctor.

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Not even or balanced in shape or arrangement. Different to something.Example: An irregular heartbeat

How can you use arrhythmia in a sentence?

An arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat.

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You can reduce the stress in your life to ensure that you are not putting extra stress on your heart. Also, avoid caffeine as it has been known to cause irregular heartbeat.

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you cant your born healthy (i think)

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