it helps a lot if you use face washes regually.
I reccommend clean&clear morning burst face wash with bursting beads
this really refreshes you in the morning and hydrates your skin.
It also helps moisturising every night. Use a face cream, not body butter
or anything else
And finally, eat less greasy, fatty foods, its these kinds of foods that place dirt into
your skin and make them stuck there.
Try to wash your face and neck thoroughly every morning or every night.
both is even better.
Dont wear makeup to the gym, or places you'll sweat.
First wash your face with pain-old antibacterial soap, next wash it off with steamy hot water on a washcloth, hold the wash cloth on your blemishes for 30 seconds each; applying a mild amount of pressure. Now, apply neosporin or WHITE toothpaste to your blemishes The gel-like blue and green kinds don't work effectively. Keep this on your blemishes for 5 minutes then wash off with hot water. If results are seen by the next morning, repeat 2wice a day for a week and avoid contact with your face.
REMEMBER: Acne is just facial bacteria basically meaning most antibacterial products will work.
Hope this Helps
Firstly, washing with warm water and soap works best.
Garnier spot treatment is a gel which reduces redness in about 12 hours.
Clearasil Ultra targets and reduces spots, which should be used twice daily.
Natural Methods
Place a blob of tooth paste on the spot to dry it out. Leave it on overnight.
Rub face with a clean dry towel, which removes dry skin which means your skin doesnt have to work as hard to remove it.
Use tea tree oil, there are tea tree oil sticks for day and night at Boots.
Blemishes form no matter how clean you keep your face. Blemishes can be removed with skin lightening creams, serums, and facial scrubs.
There are many websites online that provide information on how to heal facial blemishes quickly. But a quick and easy website that has many solutions is ehow.
No. they are facial blemishes. They are like what are commonly called 'blackheads' but they are, well, white in color.
The most common ways to get rid of unwanted facial hair is plucking or shaving. One can also wax the hair, but to completely get rid of the facial hair one should try electrolysis.
purpose facial cleanser
Hormones and a razor
Foto Facial is a skin treatment which uses a combination of laser energy and infrared energy in one short pulse. The energy is used to decrease blemishes and brown spots.
There are several brands of facial cosmetics specifically designed to cover blemishes, scars etc., but it is also important to prepare the skin properly so that the makeup does not make the blemishes worse. Advice on this matter can be found on the websites of the manufacturers, such as L'Oreal, Garnier and Vichy.
no, but there are some poition's and some Magical plant's can help
Laser hair removal
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar.