All antibiotics may result in dehydration as a result of diarrhea as a common adverse effect.
Too little water can result in cellular and extracellular dehydration and eventual death.
Dehydration and hydration of copper sulfate certainly is reversible. This is because the process can happen and be reversed and happen again.
That is known as hallucinating, which can result from dehydration. That means that you see things that aren't really there.
The dehydration of cyclohexanol can form two isomers: cyclohexene and cyclohexadiene. These isomers result from different locations of the double bond formed during the dehydration process.
They will die from dehydration!
Death by dehydration is what happens when humans do not drink water. If a human does not eat or drink, they will generally die from dehydration before starvation.
dehydration, headaches