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you have to be Mexican

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Q: What are the requirements to become a dentist in Mexico if you are a practicing dentist in the US?
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What are the requirements to become a dentist in the US if you are a practicing dentist in Mexico and a Mexican citizen?

Apply to, attend, and graduate from an American Dental Association accredited dental school. Pass Part I and II of the National Board Dental Exam. Pass a licensure examination. In a nutshell, your training in Mexico doesn't count for jack in the States. You have to start over pretty much from the beginning. == Alternatively, continue to practice in a border town in Mexico. US citizens will come over and use your services because you will be able to charge less. My dentist lives in Rio Rico, AZ and travels to Nogales, Mexico when he has appointments.

What are the requirements for dental school?

There are many places online to find the requirements of what is required to become a dentist. One such place is

Can a US citizen become a citizen of Mexico if he is married there?

No. Immigrants must fulfill certain requirements to become Mexican nationals.

How would one become a dentist?

There are many ways one can become a dentist. One can become a dentist by graduating from a great doctoral program specific to the field of dentistry.

What are the requirements to become a laser eye doctor?

You will need to receive a medical degree from a university specializing in laser eye surgery. You then need an internship before practicing on patients.

Can a dentist become a plastic surgeon?

Anyone with the skills necessary can become a plastic surgeon if first they receive a license to practice medicine and successfully complete the training in that specialty. Even an auto mechanic can become a plastic surgeon if they can accomplish these requirements.

Can a dentist become better during his or her career?

Yes. If a dentist likes his job and continually studies to make his or her treatements better, he or she will definatly become better being a dentist.

Do you need a special talent to be a dentist?

Having certain special talents may make you a better dentist than others, but in general you need to be a good student (to get the necessary grades), have good manual dexterity (since you need to do fine work with your hands quite a bit), and have good space perception. The earlier you start practicing on improving these abilities, the easier it will be to become a competent dentist later.

How do you become fast if your not?

you have to keep practicing

Do you have to be experienced to be a dentist?

To become a dentist you must pass your state's exam and have the required education. Dentist get experience by completing their clinicals.

Can a dental hygienist become an orthodontist?

Yes. In order to be an orthodontist, you have to complete dental school, and then be accepted into, and complete orthodontic residency. However, you do not need to be a practicing dentist first - you can go straight from "regular" dental school to a residency if you are accepted.

Can a dentist be given the title doctor?

Yes, you have to have a PHD (Philosophy doctorate) to become a dentist.