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One of the positive affects of the media on children is that it creates a learning environment for them. For example in the early ages of children, toddlers, baby Einstein is said to help develop cognitive thinking and skills. In addition Dora the explorer helps children learn Spanish. Children also can develop language skills through television, as well as social norms. The media also provides entertainment to children, giving parents a moment of peace when needed.

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10y ago

Mass media provides students with the opportunity to learn new things on a daily basis. It helps a student keep up with the dynamic nature of the world and thus help the student device strategies of becoming successful.

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13y ago

The internet can be used as a source of reference

This coming from a "kid"

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your aunty

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Q: What are the positive effects of media on children?
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There are various ways to reduce the effect of media on youth. Giving them total blackout will not work. However you can find positive media that will dilute the effects of negative media.

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One of the first positive effects, is that mass media keeps people informed of any recent events within a short amount of time. When, for example, a politician is assassinated, you will hear this immediately, so that you will know what is going on. Media keeps you informed. It also helps in other things like entertainment, gaining knowledge etc.

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It might be stretching it to say there are any "positive" effects, but a situation such as you describe should help minimize the "negative" effects, at any rate. Under the best of circumstances, there is really nothing "positive" about divorce for the children, unless one of the partners in the marriage was being very abusive.

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Media ? Print/electronic/digital media always treat children as Kigs/queens as they are future man kind good citizens enjoy the lime light. Even international law also help them to be good citizens

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the real fact is this that media is one of the most corrupted departments wherever in the world. i think the best thing for the youth is to learn from past. electronic media is responsible of so many sins.

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The media is positive because it can get news stories and alerts to many people. It is also good because people can talk to each other about these stories, via smart phones and the internet.

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