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There are at least two schools of thought on the issue of metastases.

1. Some cancer cells from elsewhere in the body have migrated to the site.

2. The underlying cause of cancer has migrated after biopsy or surgery or injury has unleashed it to spread elsewhere.

The underlying cause of malignancy may have triggered the original formation of tumors.

There are many causes of cancer. These causes typically will not be eliminated by surgical intervention and are not normally checked during biopsy.

Cancer has numerous causes.

The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet.

Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes.

Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all.

Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries.

Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes.

Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control).

The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations.

Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks.

Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.

Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignacy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens).

The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells.

Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us?

Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp.

Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight.

Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies.

Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary Infectious Diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells.

Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer).

They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired.

This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand.

Another world famous scientist, one Italian oncology doctor, has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection--the body encapsulates the infection in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus").

By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time.

If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body.

Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- so this remains in the speculative column for me.

The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public--libelously calling these treatments quackery.

In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720).

Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional.

The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source.

Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark.

What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and an anti-cancer effect? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)

Yet some hidden political hand has US federally- prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the cancer industry, and the drug industry specifically.

I came across a Google video about the suppression of Cannabis. The name of the video was "The Union: the business behind getting high" This video had claims that there was no scientific evidence (after all) that cannabis smoking caused brain damage, and that the old study that was cited so many times was fraudulent. The video reviews the history involved since the 1800s.

Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation<

Upon trying to trace down / confirm if this was true, I came across a comment posted that mentioned "the Rick Simpson Story." I searched for that and found that it was listed on Google video. I watched the video and it said that first the Hemp Oil extract was tried on animals suffering with cancer, and they were cured. Next they tried it on humans, and they were cured of various forms of cancer. A middle aged son of one of the cured cancer patients was suffering from some form of chronic back pain or something. He tried it and it relieved his pain so that he could return back to working his farm (or whatever it happened to be) for a full day's work rather than cutting it way short and having to rest in bed.

When I finally searched for the "no brain damage" cannabis claim, I found that a researcher named Dr. Robert Heath did conduct cannabis research on rhesus monkeys to find brain function impairment, etc. And that articles critical of his experiments were on the Internet claiming that he had asphyxiated animals during the studies.

Search >asphyxiation study "Dr. Robert Heath"<

Search > "Heath RG" cannabis OR THC OR marijuana smoke<

See the Facts / Myths of Cannabis / hemp / marijuana / THC in the related links. Searching for these same phrases brought me to the DEA web site where they neglect to mention that the level of addiction to THC is less than that of coffee.

I have noticed lately in pop culture TV shows that people portrayed as long-haired stoner hippies with banners in protests have their banners say "Marijuana is a medicine" are accompanied by other badly portrayed groups wanting other unrelated goofy things. Perhaps this portrayal is on purpose--placement negative programming subliminal Propaganda to downplay this message specifically. This downplaying would not happen if they interviewed the medical scientists who have gathered all of their supporting evidence in careful lab testing over the decades.

The overnight cancer cure is of recent development by alternative medicine proponents. Most people know how chlorine is used to kill germs, mold, mildew and fungus in Swimming Pools and drinking water. However, a similar chemical compound used as a cleanser has been determined to rid pond water of microorganisms known to cause malaria. This chemical is chlorine-dioxide: Cl O2 This chemical was marketed as "stabilized oxygen" for killing germs in water so that the water could be consumed by people like hikers in the jungles of Africa or South America to prevent getting such diseases. An old mining prospector / engineering technician was helping to develop a mine in South America, when a couple of his crew drank germ infested water and became sick hours later. In distress and willing to try anything, they took some of the old prospector's "stabilized oxygen" to see if it would help. After a few hours, the several diseased men were up and about, joking about how sick they had felt only a short time before. The old prospector determined that this chemical might be the answer to the malaria problems in Africa. He worked with a biochemist to research the mechanism of action and see if this might be improved at all. Their testing determined that instead of mixing a small drop or so of the chemical into germ infested water, that for a couple of minutes they mix the same small quantity with a mild, non-toxic acid such as vinegar, or lemon juice, or other citric acid and then drank it, the effectiveness improved. The overnight cancer cure involves mixing in other chemicals including DMSO to improve the specific fight against cancer. (See >overnight cancer cure chlorine<)

The web sites that discusses alternative medicine with the OCC are likely to list some of the other popular cancer treatments known by the blog contributors to have saved either themselves or a loved one.

Cansema black salve was a treatment for cancer mentioned to me that I had never heard of until a door to door salesman trying to get me to sign up for something got me into a tangent discussion where he said that several years beforehand he had gotten cancer, did some research and found some stuff that he took orally.

I found that both topical and orally taken capsules were available for sale on the Internet. I also found that there was an article by the American Cancer Society and Quackwatch about the substance trying to claim that it was quackery and poisonous or whatever. The guy at the door was trying to sign me up for a children's charity or something completely unrelated to medicine, and had no reason to convince me about any cancer cures--seeing as I never had cancer anyway.

I also saw a series of photos of animals treated that supposedly had the tumors eliminated by salve treatments. So, after 70 years of cancer research, is the American Cancer Society looking for a cure or are they looking to make Rockefeller and AMA members a tidy sum of money from the same old same old crackpot treatments that they have been dealing out for 50+ years--killing most of their patients?

Search >"Ty Bollinger" cancer<

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