The best school for MRI Technician are in the schools of radiology. The best school to choose would be one that is close to home and cost is not to high.
The best thing you can do is check online at They have a list of MRI Technician schools in San Diego you can choose from that best suits your needs.
I have researched this topic to try and assist in finding the best schools for MRI Technician training. I have found that the top schools are Kaplan University, Virginia College and Keiser University.
When you are looking for good mri technician schools you cannot go wrong by checking out the education forums. Everyone has an opinion, but mri technician schools which are recommended by past students will give you a base to work from.
Charleston has a number of Tech schools. They offer MRI education at these schools. Charleston has the best MRI Tech School. It is also the largest city in South Carolina.
Your son would be better off investing his time and effort as a radiology technician because an mri technician is limiting himself. Most employerss want multitaskers and mri technicians can only do mris.
The best schools are in Southern California and the best school in particular is Kapsun because it offers the shortest waiting time between applying and getting your degree.
There are MRI schools around the country. The American Registry of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists is the best source of information on accredited schools: At the bottom of the page is a link to a list of schools. Devry University is one of the top recommended schools for MRI Tech. You can also look into Virginia College and Keiser University.
There are many online schools in which you can get an mri technician license. Nearly all schools that specialize in technology will have an online course for this. For example, Stanford and MIT both have online courses for this.
There are MRI technician schools listed at MR-Technology Information Portal. But you may also want to check with your local community college or vocational school. MRI technician training programs a pretty common and you don't have to attend a school dedicated just to MRI training. in west chicago MRi istitute and consultant or u could go on and search mri schools. I m also interesting in this program also, I should be started next monday on April 13. It is a one year program. great isn't it
Being certified as a radiology technician is not really required, however employers would really rather hire a person who is a certified MRI Technician. In other words, it's not require but you should get it anyway. explains all the questions you will possibly have for this along with the top MRI schools.
When you need to find out where you can get open mri technician training, the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the locations, and lots of information about their open mri technician training courses.