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It is high in Vitamin C and has no fat

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Q: What are the benefits of chayote?
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Scientific name of chayote?

The scientific name of chayote is Sechium edule.

Is a chayote a fruit or vegetable?

Chayote is, botanically speaking, a fruit. But because it is generally served as a dish, it is considered by the public as vegetable

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Where to plant chayote?

Plant chayote in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Choose a location with support for the vine to climb, like a trellis or fence. Plant the chayote at least 12 inches deep and provide regular water to support growth.

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Where in the wild might someone find chayote?

Wild chayote can be found in mostly damp areas in the tropical regions of the planet. It can be found in ravines, near rivers and streams. They have the same overall structure as the type that are grown by chayote farms.

Medicinal benefits of chayote?

The leaves and fruit have diuretic, cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties, and a tea made from the leaves has been used in the treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypertension, and to dissolve kidney stones.[

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What is christophene?

A squash, also known as a chayote or a custard marrow.

How do you say chayote in spanish?

Like coyote with 'ch' as in chalk.

How do I you eat a chayote?

Chayote can be eaten raw or cooked. To eat it raw, you can peel, slice, and add it to salads or eat it with a dip. For cooking, you can boil, steam, sauté, or roast chayote as you would with other vegetables. It has a mild flavor that pairs well with various seasonings and dishes.