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heterogeneous, mixture thats all i got

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Q: What are the 3 properties of mixtures using a fruit salad?
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Explain the three properties of mixture using a fruit salad as an example?

Three properties of a mixture are:The composition of a mixture is variable: In a fruit salad, the ratio of grapes, apples, oranges, bananas, etc. can vary. One fruit salad can be mostly grapes and apples with some other fruits, and another can be mostly bananas and strawberries with only a few grapes and apples. More of any fruits can be added to a fruit salad.Each of its components retains its characteristic properties: Each fruit in a fruit salad retains its unique characteristics.Its components are easily separated: If desired, all the fruits can be taken out of the salad by simply separating each type of fruit into separate containers.

In how many ways can you use pineapple?

for making fruit salad by using as fruit juice..............

How is matter classified into mixtures?

Matter is classified into mixtures based on the physical properties of its components. Mixtures can be homogeneous, where the components are evenly distributed and indistinguishable, such as saltwater, or heterogeneous, where the components are visibly separate, like a salad. Mixtures can also be classified by how easily they can be separated, such as using physical methods for a heterogeneous mixture or chemical methods for a homogeneous mixture.

What is the difference between a fruit bowl and a fruit salad?

In general, a vegetable salad would be made using mostly vegetables and savoury fruits (like the tomato) and a fruit salad is almost exclusively fruits with an occasional vegetable (like jicama) Of course, there are vegetable salads that incorporate fruits, like mandarin orange or a pear.

Can you give me 5 trivias about mixture?

A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded. Mixtures can be homogeneous (uniform composition) or heterogeneous (non-uniform composition). Examples of mixtures include air (mixture of gases), saltwater (mixture of salt and water), and trail mix (mixture of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit). Mixtures can be separated using physical methods such as filtration, distillation, or chromatography. The properties of a mixture are a combination of the properties of its individual components.

How do you say 'I do not like fruit or salad' in Spanish?

In Spanish, if you do not like something, you acutally say " not pleasing to me", using the "reflexive" for of the verb "gustar". or "gustarse". "No me gusta la fruta o la ensalada" is how you would say this, literally meaning "Fruit and salad are not pleasing to me", but the normal translation would be "I don't like fruit or salad".

What is there about mixtures that allow them to be separated using physical properties?

This is possible because components of a mixture haven't chemical bonds between them.

What are the characteristics of mixtures enumerate?

Mixtures are made up of two or more substances physically combined, but not chemically bonded. Components of a mixture can be separated using physical methods. Mixtures do not have a fixed composition or properties, as they can vary depending on the amounts of each substance present.

Mixtures are made of substances that are what?

Mixtures are made of two or more different substances that are physically combined and can be separated using physical methods, such as filtration or distillation. The substances in a mixture retain their individual properties and can exist in varying proportions.

What is differences between substances and mixture?

Substances are pure and have a specific chemical composition, while mixtures are a combination of two or more substances that can be separated physically. Substances have specific properties that do not change, while mixtures can have variable properties depending on the ratio of the components.

What Are The Three Things Mixtures Have In Common?

Mixtures are composed of two or more substances physically combined, without a chemical reaction taking place. They can be separated by physical means such as filtration or evaporation. Mixtures have variable compositions, meaning the proportions of the substances in the mixture can vary.

How could physical properties be used to separate the parts of a salad?

Physical properties like density can be used to separate the parts of a salad. For example, using a centrifuge can separate liquid dressing from the solid ingredients based on their different densities. Another method could involve sieving to separate larger pieces of vegetables from smaller ones based on their size.