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1. Oxygenate - nasal cannula or mask

2. Place in high fowlers position

3. Rest

4. Medicate as ordered

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14y ago

administer oxygen to prevent sickling and organ damage.

minimize patient exertion -have them lie down

administer fluids and electrolytes to reduce blood viscosity

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Eat allot of food containing iron

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Q: What are some common nursing interventions for anemia?
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Why earn a bachelors in nursing?

A Bachelor's Degree in Nursing enables a person to have a better understanding of the nursing profession and why we do certain interventions. It also enables one to easily apply to graduate schools to earn other degrees. Some hospitals strictly hire only BSN prepared nurses so in order to remain competitive some nurses are going back for their degrees.

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There are many common circulatory system ailments. Some of them include atherosclerosis, anemia, leukemia, and some coronary heart diseases.

What can you do to reverse red marrow reconversion?

Red marrow reconversion usually happens as a response to certain conditions such as anemia or chronic infection. To reverse it, the underlying cause needs to be addressed. Treatment may involve managing the underlying condition, such as treating the anemia or infection. In some cases, medications or other interventions may also be necessary.

What are nursing interventions for bradypnea?

Depending on the situation, oxygen will be given and the patient will be instructed to breathe very slowly. If it is a panic attack, medication or a shot may be given to slow breathing and stop the attack.

How many types of anemia are here?

There are several types of anemia. The term means without blood. It could be caused by excessive bleeding or damage to the bone marrow. Anemia is one of the most common disorders of the blood. It can be due to excessive blood loss or hemorrhage. Or deficient red blood cell production. Anemia can be classified in several ways: macrocytic anemia, normocytic anemia, microcytic anemia. Some of the more familiar ones are: pernicious anemia due to lack or low B12, iron deficiency anemia due to lack of iron, thalassemia, lead toxicity anemia, hypothyroidism, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, Rh disease, and renal infection among others.

What are some common names of iron supplements that treat anemia?

Ferrous Sulphate and Ferrous Fumerate are the two that come immediately to mind.

What are some common health problems in Airedale terriers?

There are some common health problems in Airedale Terriers. They include allergies, anemia, cataracts, and hip problems because of their size. A veterinarian can help keep your pet healthy.

What are some common symptoms of multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma has common symptoms such as kidney failure, bone damages and fractures, Anemia-related fatigue, and a high level of calcium in the blood stream.

Does a blood test test for anemia?

A simple and common blood test used to test for anemia is CBC or the complete blood count. Technically you do not even need a CBC to just test for anemia. A simple Hemoglobin level can detect anemia. But a CBC will give your doctor some more information about the anemia if detected in your blood test. A CBC not only gives you your Hemoglobin level but it also gives you the counts of different types of cells in your blood. It will also give your doctor some more clues about possible causes of the anemia. Simply stated, anemia means a low hemoglobin level in the blood. A hemoglobin level below 8 is critical anemia and normally requires blood transfusion.