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There are several different types of shock. They are Anaphylactic, Cardiogenic, Hypovolemic, Respiratory Insufficency, Neurogenic, Psychogenic (fainting),and Septic. I am training to be an EMT and we learned to assess the general signs of compensated shock as: Agitation, Anxiety, Restlessness, Feeling of Impending Doom, Altered Mental Status Weak, Rapid (thready) or absent Distal Pulses Clammy (pale, cool, moist) Skin Pallor (paleness) with Cyanosis (blue color) of the Lips Shallow, Rapid Breathing Air Hunger (shortness of breath), especially if there is a chest injury Nausea or Vomiting Capillary refill of longer than 2 seconds in infants and children Marked Thirst DECOMPENSTAED SHOCK (later stage) is when the blood pressure begins to fall and patients soon move into IRREVERSIBLE SHOCK in which no interventions or transfusions will reverse the effects and death is imminent. The best option is to treat people once the first signs of compenstated shock develop and to seek medical treatment ASAP. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THE VERY FIRST SIGN OF COMPENSTATED SHOCK IS AGITATION OR ALTERED MENTAL STATUS. Every type of shock is triggered differently, presents differently, and needs to be treated differently. However rapid transport, maintaining an airway, controlling bleeding, thermal management (keep them warm), and elevation of the legs so long as no spinal injuries are suspected seem to be a key theme. The signs of DECOMPENSTATED SHOCK are as follows: Falling Blood pressure (systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or lower in an adult) Labored or irregular breathing Ashen, mottled, or cyanotic skin Thready or absent pulses Dull eyes, dialated pupils Poor urinary output. Hope this was able to help! :)

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15y ago
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10y ago

Shock is a life threatening medical emergency.

Signs & symptons include, but may not be seen in every case:

  • very low blood pressure
  • weakness and/or nausea
  • chest pain
  • fast/weak/thready pulse
  • sweating - skin moist, clammy & cool
  • dizziness/fainting
  • high pitch rapid speech
  • rapid, shallow breathing
  • anxiety/confusion/irritability
  • blue lips/nails/eyelids
  • decreased urine output
  • symptoms of dehydration
  • hypothermia (lower than normal temperature)

Shock is a life threatening medical emergency.

Signs & symptons include, but may not be seen in every case:

  • very low blood pressure
  • weakness and/or nausea
  • chest pain
  • fast/weak/thready pulse
  • sweating - skin moist, clammy & cool
  • dizziness/fainting
  • high pitch rapid speech
  • rapid, shallow breathing
  • anxiety/confusion/irritability
  • blue lips/nails/eyelids
  • decreased urine output
  • symptoms of dehydration
  • hypothermia (lower than normal temperature)

Shock is a life threatening medical emergency.

Signs & symptons include, but may not be seen in every case:

  • very low blood pressure
  • weakness and/or nausea
  • chest pain
  • fast/weak/thready pulse
  • sweating - skin moist, clammy & cool
  • dizziness/fainting
  • high pitch rapid speech
  • rapid, shallow breathing
  • anxiety/confusion/irritability
  • blue lips/nails/eyelids
  • decreased urine output
  • symptoms of dehydration
  • hypothermia (lower than normal temperature)

Shock is a life threatening medical emergency.

Signs & symptons include, but may not be seen in every case:

  • very low blood pressure
  • weakness and/or nausea
  • chest pain
  • fast/weak/thready pulse
  • sweating - skin moist, clammy & cool
  • dizziness/fainting
  • high pitch rapid speech
  • rapid, shallow breathing
  • anxiety/confusion/irritability
  • blue lips/nails/eyelids
  • decreased urine output
  • symptoms of dehydration
  • hypothermia (lower than normal temperature)
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14y ago
There are many types of shock:Psychogenic,Neurogenic,Hypovolaemic,Cardiogenic,Septicemia,Anaphylactic.The most common signs & symptoms are:Decreased level of consciousness,Anxiety,Cool clammy skin,Flaring nostrils,Cyanosis, (blue lips),Polydypsia, excessive thirst),Hyperventilation, (fast breathing),Tachycardia, (fast heartbeat),WeaknessNausea,Legs feel weak and heavy.
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13y ago

Sudden drop in blood pressure


Cold skin

Clammy skin



Sweaty skin

Weak pulse

Rapid pulse

Irregular breathing

Rapid breathing

Shallow breathing


Dilated pupils




Reduced urination

Loss of conciousness

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14y ago

Rapid, weak pulse (heartbeat).

Cool, clammy skin.

Sweaty skin.

Rapid, shallow breathing.

Altered level of consciousness.

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15y ago

Pale skin, sweaty body, nervousness, hyperactivity, dizziness, and tiredness.

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14y ago

rapid breathing, cold sweats and feeling faint

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13y ago

They will be cold, pale and clammy due to poor circulation. they may be nauseous or dizzy as well.

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12y ago

shallow breathing confussion

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