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An STEMI, or ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, is a condition in which the blood flow to the heart is blocked. This typically occurs due to rupture of a lipid plaque in the wall of an epicardial artery. This causes muscle cell death due to lack of oxygen and other substrates necessary for cell growth/maintenance.

The EKG can be used to localize the likely location of the blockage by looking at changes on the EKG. An inferior STEMI is characterized by ST elevations in the inferior limb leads, leads II, III, and aVF, associated with ST depressions (called reciprocal changes) in the lateral limb leads, I and aVL. An inferior STEMI most commonly is associated with a blockage in the right coronary artery (80% of the time).

Inferior STEMIs have a slightly better prognosis than anterior MIs. There is typically less heart muscle lost in association with inferior STEMI than when the MI affects the bulkier left side of the heart.

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Q: What are EKG changes associated with an inferior STEMI?
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Will an EKG rule out a heart attack?

An EKG cannot rule out a heart attack. It gives a snap shot of the hearts electrical circuit at that moment. An EKG can show some changes indicative that there may be cardiac problems, as well as if you are actively having a particular type of heart attack (known as a STEMI).But you can be having a heart attack with no EKG changes. The definitive answer comes from blood work done at the hospital.

What does the abbreviations STEM and non STEM mean in connection with ST segment?

I believe you are referring to STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardial infarction) and non-STEMI. These are two different forms of myocardial infarction - STEMI results in transmural (all the way through the cardiac muscle wall) injury, which results in elevation of the ST segment on EKG. Non-STEMI (NSTEMI), which used to be called a Non-Q-wave MI, is usually a subendocardial injury, which results in cardiac injury, but not as severe as STEMI. NSTEMIs do not have any elevation of the ST segment on EKG. These only have elevation of cardiac biomarkers on blood work.

What does the medical abbreviation STEMI mean?

STEMI stands for ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. The ST in this case doesn't stand for anything; it refers to the part of the EKG tracing that is higher than usual (elevated). Patients with STEMI may benefit from treatment to restore flow to the heart muscle.

What is a STEMI?

A STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) is the deadliest type of heart attack requiring immediate emergency attention. In a STEMI, the coronary artery supplying the heart with blood is blocked, leaving part of the heart unable to receive blood. A STEMI is diagnosed with the use of an EKG (electrocardiogram). If a patient is found to have a STEMI, the patient will require immediate emergency revascularization of the heart, either through the use of clot busting medication or with the use of catheters to mechanically open up the artery.

The best definition of an interval as associated with ekg is?

waveforms plus segments

How can EKG identify a myocardial infarction?

An EKG tells us about how electricity flows through the cells of the heart. Any infarction of cardiac tissue causes changes in the way the electricity travels. An EKG can show us these changes and help us to even identify where the infarction is occurring. A 12 lead EKG must be done to truly identify any infarction. The 12 lead shows us 12 different views of the electricity as it moves from one lead to another. By comparing the views we get against what would normally be expected and comparing each lead to the others we can look for changes in the EKG pattern (ST elevation or depression is the most obvious, but many other changes exist).

When do you standardize an EKG?

before and after you run EKG

How do you calculate respiratory rate from an ekg?

No there is not a direct connection. Typicly as heart rate increases it is in response to increased cardiac demand and respiratory rate increases accordingly.

What are treatments for a left anterior fascicular block?

There are no treatments for left anterior fascicular block. There are no symptoms associated with this finding on EKG the vast majority of the time.

What is the name of EKG tracing?

EKG stands for electrocardiogram.

When will a V wave be seen on the normal EKG tracing?

Yes, a V wave will be seen on a normal EKG tracing. A V wave can signal a lot of things in an EKG, but what it means will be up to the person reading the EKG and the person's reason for the EKG.

What property of a heart muscle must be altered in order for an electrocardiogram to detect a problem?

The changes in electrical conductance is needed for the EKG to detect a problem.