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The test answers "listed below" are not given with this question as the question would indicate. But, without much more to go on, the answer would most likely be: vaccinations when children all across the world are considered.

A second good answer could be mosquito netting with built in mosquito repellents for children in Africa to prevent malaria. You can donate 3 of these through UNICEF for under $20. A good idea for Christmas gifts that can save lives. Malaria is the number one cause of illness and death in children in Africa with one child dying as a result every 30 seconds! See below for a link to UNICEF.

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11y ago

microscope: because it helps to observe small micro organism that cannot be seen by the naked eye :)

by: eldrin roy castaneda

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Q: What advance in technology listed below has most directly helped to keep children free from disease?
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