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First, there is no such thing as a degree in pre-med. It is a curriculum layout or sometimes known as a track, that prepares students who intend to seek admission to medical schools. It includes activities such as prerequisite coursework, clinical experience, volunteer activities, and research.

While many individuals who pursue a career as a physician major in Biology at the undergraduate level, many others come from a variety of other educational backgrounds. You should meet with a career counselor at the college or university you attend for what options exist for you. The important issue is acquiring the appropriate prerequisites required for medical school. The student should have a strong background in the following areas.

  • Biology (cell biology, biology of the organism)
  • Chemistry (inorganic, organic)
  • Physics
  • Communication (written and oral)
  • Higher level math's
  • Computer literacy
  • Development of good critical thinking skills.

First you will need a bachelor's degree with all the prerequisite courses (some mentioned above) completed. Then there will be an additional four years of medical school. Also, there will be three to eight years to complete the internship and residency requirements, depending on the specialty.

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Q: What 4-year degree do you need to become a neurosurgeon?
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What dregree does one need to become a neurosurgeon?

You can major in any degree. You can have a Math degree or English degree, it really doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is if you participant in the pre-med program and take your MCAT. However, a lot of people often go for a Biology degree, because biology is about the human body and this will better your chance of getting accepted into a Medical School. You need to undergo a pre-med program to be accepted into Medical School, once done, then you can train/practice to become a neurosurgeon.

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