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Q: Swelling on the old intravenous site - what should you apply - hot or cold compress?
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How do i reduced swelling?

you will need a compress of Ice then apply it to the injured area.

Which is better on a black-eye hot or cold compress?

A cold compress is best immediately after the injury to decrease swelling and to increase vasoconstriction to the area to help keep bruising to a minimum. After a day or so, when the swelling has decreased, apply warm compresses to increase blod flow and eliminate the bruising quicker.

What is the treatment of a popped vein?

If a vein has popped, it is important to apply pressure on the area to stop the bleeding. Elevate the affected limb and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. Seek medical attention if bleeding does not stop or if there is excessive pain and swelling.

You fell off a ladder your calf is swollen and hurts - what should you do?

You should rest, elevate the affected leg, apply ice, and compress the area with a bandage to reduce swelling. If the pain and swelling persist or worsen, seek medical attention to rule out any serious injuries like a fracture or muscle tear.

How tu cure swelling on injected point on tricepts?

The best way to treat an injection point on the triceps muscle is to apply a damp, warm compress to the affected area.

Should you ice or heat a missed meth shot?

It is recommended to apply a cold compress or ice to reduce swelling and inflammation from a missed meth shot. Avoid heating the area as it can worsen the inflammation and may increase the risk of infection. If there is severe pain, swelling, or signs of infection, it is best to seek medical attention.

How can a bruised eye be treated?

Start by cooling it down with a ice pack or cold compress within the first 24 hours, keep head elevated to limit swelling, and on the second day following the injury apply moist compress to increase circulation.

What should be done to reduce swelling on the eye due to falling getting bumped?

To reduce swelling on the eye due to a bump or fall, you can apply a cold compress, such as a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth, to the affected area. Resting with your head elevated can also help. If the swelling persists or is accompanied by severe pain or vision changes, seek medical attention.

Does peroxide help the swelling of a fall bump?

Hydrogen peroxide is mainly used for cleaning wounds and disinfecting cuts, but it may not directly help reduce swelling from a fall bump. It's best to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area to help reduce swelling and inflammation. If the swelling persists or gets worse, seek medical advice.

If a wasp stings a pregnant lady in the belly and is swollen around the bellybutton what do you do?

For any wasp sting, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the problem persists or gets worse, consult your physician.

How do you help relieve swelling and inflammation in a dog paw?

To help relieve swelling and inflammation in a dog's paw, you can apply a cold compress for 10-15 minutes a few times a day. Rest and elevate the paw to minimize weight bearing. If the swelling persists or worsens, consult your veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment.

If a thorn from a black locust tree has caused swelling what do you do?

You can apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and take an over-the-counter antihistamine to help with any itching. If the swelling persists or worsens, seek medical attention to ensure there is no infection or allergic reaction. Keep the affected area clean and covered to prevent further irritation.