

Best Answer

Xray is by Roentegen of Germany,

Electro Cardiogram ECG by Einthoven of Holland

CT Scan and Ultrasound is also from Germany

ETG AyurvedaScan is from India

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Q: Scientist who contribute greatly in the field of medicine and health?
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Who are the scientist who contributed greatly in the field of medicine and health?

ikaw .

Scientist who contributed greatly in medecine and health?

Louis pasteur

Who are the famous scientist who contributed in the field of medicine and health?

Alexander Fleming

What did Edward Jenner contribute to health care or medicine?

hindi ko po alam

How was medicine revolutionized?

Medicine has revolutionized in a very great way starting from the discovery of penicillin. This is as a result of the hard work of researchers and scientist who try to find lasting cures for various health conditions.

How could a scientist use sampling to investigate the health of the deer population in a forest preserve?

To see what medicine is good to get them healthy so their body could get more energy

How could a scientist use sampling to investigate the health of deer population in a forest preserve?

To see what medicine is good to get them healthy so their body could get more energy

What does a health science do?

a health scientist helps people

Who filipino scientist invented herbal medicine?

Dr. Fe del Mundo, a pioneering Filipino scientist, made significant contributions to pediatrics and public health. While she did not invent herbal medicine, Dr. del Mundo focused on improving medical care for children in the Philippines and founded the first pediatric hospital in the country.

What are the Army's Preventive Medicine functional areas?

Diseases prevention and control field preventative medicine environmental health occupational health health surveillance and epidemiology solider, family, community health and health promotion preventive medicine toxicology and lab services health risk assessment health risk communication

How does progress in biology directly affect our lives?

A new discovery or technology in medicine can greatly assist in our health. Genetic engineering and DNA fingerprinting are just two of the examples that biology can be positively used.

Scientist who contribute in the field of medicine and health?

Alexander Fleming -discoverer of penicillinHippocrates- categorized the illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic,Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen-discover x rayEdward Jenner- discovered vaccinationand considered as father of immunology.Louis Pasteur-known for pasteurizationSigmund Freud-best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and made research for cerebral palsy.